Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fortieth Entry

Good Lordy I'm forty!

I just got really bored while working on my finals (yes, people, I actually work on them) so I decided to take my friend A. Grayson (whose work you can find in my links) up on his long overdue offer to swap poetry styles. I have a hard time rhyming, so writing one of his 'veintets' was tough, especially since he's so good at them. I just decided to write the goofiest fucking thing I could think of. Also, I wanted to write a poem about what happened to my friend a couple of years ago, when he looked out his window to find an elephant in his apartment complexes' parking lot. It was hanging out there while they set up a Mexican circus across the street. Anyway, I never got around to mentioning the elephant. Not a lot rhymes with elephant. Please feel free to comment and tell me what word YOU would have rhymed with elephant. Back to 'working' on my finals.

p.s. check out this: http://www.dickpigreview.com/
Here's my poem:


Plucky young adventurers sneak into my lair
I keep my TV on when I leave
They find my keychain which boldly says STEVE
They snoop on the floor and find most of my hair
When I get back they’re stoned
On my couch and the red-headed girl says hello
Out the window I hear a strange animal bellow
The gladitorial combat I sense they have honed
For several years is as useless as their dropped swords
I slip under my sheets
Folding the blanket carefully so my feets
don’t touch and I question the vandal hordes
and how they had traveled here and where
were they from and how today on the eve
of my birthday they cleave
each other apart and the survivor just stares
at me and hands me the blade like I loaned
it to him and I can’t take it because I’m yellow
and the blood has given me the frights of hell O
how I feel like a bird that’s been boned!


Anonymous said...

Hah! For fun. Long overdue indeed.

By the by, having a weakness for slant rhyme, I might've used 'elegant' for elephant.

A. Grayson said...

Oh, by the by again, check out my response @ http://agraysonpoems.blogspot.com/2005/12/so-as-promised.html wherein I hold up my end of the bargain. In fact, cross-post my reply here, 'cuz.
